- Present Kate Howard, Scott Peterson, Stewart Cooke, Iain Steedman
- Apologies Gina Gibellini
- AGM Minutes – Approved – Scott nominated and Stewart seconded.
- Finances. We currently have £4,082.18 in our current account.
£500 ring fenced for sports equipment in account 2 and £2000 ring fenced for Electricity in account 3.
We have a bill for insurance due in February for £2287 and a bill for the lift maintenance for £436 from Stannah.
Projected electricity use is £440 per month
There is still an ongoing issue with EON who have not provided us with a final figure that we are in credit by. Scott to put in a complaint with Offgen
Cost for land registration is approximately £1700. Evalutaion report cost approx. £800 to £1500. Home report including land up to £2000.
Current figures may rise
Kate to do a monthly income projection based on current bookings
- Discuss administrative impacts as a result of AGM
Iain to be added to bank account
SCIO consultation to rest for now
Committee’s role with Land registry process. We will wait to hear what the progress is from the solicitors before any further action
- Clarify Roles and responsibilities
Iain Steedman Chair
Scott Peterson Treasurer
Kate Howard Secretary
Gina Steedman Events
Stewart Cooke Member
- Update on Land Registry Matter
All matters regarding land registry are now with the solicitor appointed by our Trustees. Thanks to our trustees for carrying out this vital work.
A suggestion was made that we review the situation regarding our trustees to ensure the best interest of the GMI and Merrick and we look at this in conjunction with the SCIO.
- Gazette report
We felt it would be a good idea to write a quarterly report for the Gazette. Iain to approach Gina to do this.
A request was made from David Cooper for £121.00 from the Tesco sports fund for a Pickle Ball net after the successful trial day last weekend. Everyone in agreement. Kate suggested the rest of the fund go towards buying new cues for the snooker table as previously by suggested by Gina. Iain to research prices. The baize of the snooker table was damaged recently. We ask that members of the public book the snooker table via the website. Iain to make a sign. Iain to research prices for replacement baize.
Lift – we still need to have an emergency call out phone installed in the lift. Cost was £1850. We were unsuccessful with our Screwfix Community Application. Kate to research alternative funding.
IT Iain to supply GMI officer with an individual email and will facilitate set up. Share email boxes will be created and a link added to the website for an Office365 portal.
Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 18th December 7pm Committee Room GMI