Minutes of GMI meeting on Monday February 6th at 10.30 am at The Craigdarroch Hotel.
Alison Miles handed in her resignation for personal reasons.
1.Present Kate, Jan, Tim, Anja and David
2.The minutes of the previous were proposed to be correct by Tim and seconded by David.
Points arising from the previous meeting:
David expressed concerns about the reaction from the communitiy about the decision of
Doing away with the snooker table. Anja explained that the snooker table has not been
used since before Covid. Tim wilk talk to people in the pub and rather than a big
announcement he thinks its better to let people know on the grapevine. He will consult
with community members. Action: Tim
David has not had time to put an article in the Gazette this time.
3. Financial statement. Council didn’t pay GMI at all (two years of hire were paid since the
Agreement plus £1300.- has still to be paid in.
Insurance gone up to £2.500-
Invoices, Tim taking a note of invoices.
The bank balance is now close to its reserve of £4000.-
4. Painting of fire doors has not been done. A day was set for the Midterm holiday. Anja has
Bought paint, rollers, brushes and trays. Action Anja.
5. Wall heaters: 3 wall heaters have stopped working. Anja will get in touch with Ryan.
Action Anja
6. David talked to Sosi, about match funding for the new boilers. We do not have the correct
criteria and need to look elsewhere.
Glenkens and district educational trust will be looked into.
Anja suggests help from Third Sector . We need to more quotes from plumbers.
Glencairn Community Windfarm Grants are not an option. Tim suggests that we apply
now and ask the community council to hold the application for the October allocation.
Action Tim
8. Hire cost: Anja had informed the various kid’s groups that the hire of the hall will be £10.-
From January 1st 2023.
9. Membership : online membership has taken off, but people without access to
the internet are not as easy to reach. David suggest a meeting night with an invited
speaker and to put a page into the Gazette. Anja will put printed forms in the shop.
Action Anja
10. Renovations:a discussion followed about renovating the downstairs of GMI. Quotes for
Upgrading the ttoilets have been received. The discussion which followed included a
Proposal to have a showerroom in the pool room toilets. Anja objected to this as she
No need for a shower room at GMI. The majority of the committee proposed to
Get in touch with Jock Murray to draw up a plan for downstairs. A grant would be
needed to pay for these plans. Action David
Kate suggested applying for a Big Lottery grant.
11. Bins: The council is currently refusing to lift the bins at GMI as we are a charity and
Not paying council tax. We would need a contract with the council and pay for collection
Technically we do get a council tax bill and then apply for redemption, which is then
agreed. Action Anja
12. PAT testing is now due. David will set a date with Alistair. Action David.
13. A.O.B committee room: clear out of cupboards, a date will be set in the Easter holidays.
There are a lot of things to be thrown out, stage can go upstairs in a cage.
Table tennis tables are now rarely used. Anja will ask Senga to transport them
Kate wedding asked about cutlery and crockery for a forth coming wedding celebrations
As she will be catering for this. Anja proposed that the couple look into hire from a
Company as there is no room in the cupboards for more crockery. Action Kate
14. Date of next meeting: Monday 6 th. March 2023. 10.00am
Craigdarroch Hotel.