Our updates

Work in progress

Fire doors: On April 5th and 6th 2022 two new fire doors will be installed and all doors will be updated with smoke excluders and self closing elements. External walls: From April 18th 2022 scaffolding will go up to fix the back gable end of the building and repoint the side walls. Smoke alarms: A … Read more

Membership and bookings

Please support the building by becoming a member. GMI is a community owned building which relies on the community to keep it open and in working order. Membership application and payment can be done through our website.

Building work

Building work will start in March.There may be some disruption while new fire doors are installed or updated.


The rewiring of GMI has now been completed. All lights are switched over to LED, Emergency exit lights are installed, and a new photo sensitive light is now above the front door.

Christmas Market

A successful Christmas Craft Market fundraiser was held on Sunday November 14th. Over £700 was raised in aid of the Moniaive Playgroup. Well done everyone!